
General pathology

History & evolution  Pathology derived from two Greek words " patho- suffering"   and logos means study  Sir William Osler regarded as father of moder medicine said in his famous quote "your practice of medicine will be as good as is your understanding of pathology". Rudolf Virchow is regarded as father of pathology. Father of Indian pathology is regarded as DR. Vasant Ramji Khanolkar. Humoral theory of diseases was first proposed by Hippocrates. Immunofluorescence techniques was discovered by albert coons in 1940s. PCR- POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION was introduced by Kary Mullis in 1983. Contribution of Rudolf Virchow. Rudolf Virchow founded the field of cellular pathology. He was the first who started and encouraging his students to think and observe under microscopically. He termed zoonose, Chromatin, agenesis, parenchyma, osteoid, amyloid degeneration etc. Microbiology for RGUHS, NEET, & USMLE By- siddharth
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